Charlie Ludlow is an independent tax preparer based in Overton, NV. His tax service is the equal of any tax preparation company or software such as Turbo tax. Along with being an authorized and registered IRS E-filer, Charlie passed and was accepted by the IRS as an Enrolled Agent in 2013. This places him in an elite group of tax professionals as "nationally" less than 10 % of all preparers have earned this distinction. As an EA, Charlie can directly represent his clients with the IRS.
A 20 year pro, Charlie is unique in making house calls to meet the needs of his "tax family". 
Prices start at $60 for simple returns from start to finish. Each customer is quoted a price before the return is prepared, so there is no 'surprise' at the time of payment. 
Check him out and let Charlie join you on the dotted line.

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